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(Children Physician)
The physician who treats the diseases and problems that infect children starting from birth age until adulthood age. Children may be infected with chronic diseases, such as adults’ asthma.
(Nose Physician)
A physician who is specialized in nose and nasal path. Nose Physician treats many diseases, including: nose diseases, sinusitis, nose structure and acute snoring. Nose physician can provide nose plastic surgery services.
A physician who specializes in gynecology. Gynecologist treats the female reproductive system (such as: uterus, vagina and ovarian). The majority of gynecologists are experts in obstetrics. Obstetrics in concerned with caring pregnant woman, her child, birth and post-birth.
0Breast Surgeon)
Breast Surgery is branch of medicine that is concerned with diseases affecting the organs inside the breast, including lungs, breast wall, esophageal and interseptum. Breast surgery comes sometimes with heart surgery, to be heart and breast surgery.
(Children Physician)
The physician who treats the diseases and problems that infect children starting from birth age until adulthood age. Children may be infected with chronic diseases, such as adults’ asthma.
(Nose Physician)
A physician who is specialized in nose and nasal path. Nose Physician treats many diseases, including: nose diseases, sinusitis, nose structure and acute snoring. Nose physician can provide nose plastic surgery services.
A physician who specializes in gynecology. Gynecologist treats the female reproductive system (such as: uterus, vagina and ovarian). The majority of gynecologists are experts in obstetrics. Obstetrics in concerned with caring pregnant woman, her child, birth and post-birth.
(Breast Surgeon)
Breast Surgery is branch of medicine that is concerned with diseases affecting the organs inside the breast, including lungs, breast wall, esophageal and interseptum. Breast surgery comes sometimes with heart surgery, to be heart and breast surgery.
(Cancer Specialists)
A cancer specialist is a physician who is specialized in diagnosing and treating cancer. Some cancer specialist select a specific filed, such as: cancer in children. Cancer specialists use radiation therapy and chemotherapy to treat cancer or may work with specialized cancer surgeon. Clinical oncology specialist performs radiation thereby.
(Internal Medicine Specialists)
Internal medicine is a medical major for diagnosing and treating digestive diseases.
Internal medicine specialist is a specialized physician in diagnosing and treating digestive diseases, including: esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, pancreas, liver, gallbladder and gallbladder system.
Symptoms of digestive diseases and problems include:
- Constipation;
- Diarrhea;
- Vomiting;
- Nauseate;
- Internal pains
Psychologists are specialists in psychology who work in the area of mental health, such as: clinical psychologists, psychology advisors. Psychologists do not use drugs. If you needed drugs prescription, go to psychiatrists or another specialized physician. Neuropsychologists subjected to complete training in the neurobiological reasons of brain diseases. They are specialized in diagnosing and treating using drugs. Their work is practical rather than analytical.
Psychiatry deals with prevention, evaluation, diagnoses and brain rehabilitation. A psychiatrist is specialized in diagnosing, treating and preventing psychological diseases and disorder of drugs consumption. A Psychiatrist needs many years of specialized training and education in psychiatry. Many psychiatrists subject to further training to be specialized in children psychiatry, adults’ psychiatry, older persons, forensic psychiatry, psychopharmacology and psychoanalysis. Children physician.
(Plastic Surgery Specialists)
Plastic surgeon performs plastic surgeries, such as breast enhancement, facial contouring, body contouring…etc.
(Skin Specialists)
Skin medicine is branch of medicine that deals with skin diseases, such as: tumors, ulcers, eczema, acne and skin cancer. Skin physician can treat a set of skin diseases, including treating and diagnosing skin cancer, skin sensitivity and skin rashes. They also check and treat other problems, such as: acne, hair diseases and skin sensitivity. The techniques used by skin physicians include: microscopic imaging, laser surgery, photodynamic therapy (PTD) and plastic procedures using botulinum, soft tissues and treatment by injection.

(Heart Diseases Specialists)
Heart diseases specialists deal with oncological and cardiovascular diseases. It consists of congenital heart disease, Coronary thrombosis, heart failure, valvular heart diseases and cardiac electrophysiology. Unlike heart surgeons, heart diseases specialists do not perform heart surgeries.
(Neurology Specialists)
Neurology is branch of medicine that cares for Nervous system. The professionals who are specialized in this area are called neurology specialists. They received training to check, diagnose and treat diseases of brain and nerves. However, they are children brain specialists. Neurology specialists may take part in clinical research, main research and applied research.
(Infertility Specialists)
Infertility refers to an inability to conceive after having regular unprotected sex. It can also refer to woman inability to complete pregnancy period. There are many biological reasons that cause infertility and some of them can be treated by medical intervention.

Eye Surgeon
Eye surgeon is a specialized physician in caring for eyes and sight. Eyes physician are being trained to provide a complete set of eye-care services, such as suitable eyeglasses, licenses and sensitive eyes surgeries. Eye physicians take part in eye medicine research.
(Specialists of Urogenital System)
Specialists of Urogenital System are specialized physicians in the diseases of the urogenital system among men and women. Urogenital System physicians treat bladder, testicular cancer, prostate, irregular urination, circumcision, Vasectomy, reversion of vasectomy. The medicine of urogenital system is one of the first branches of endoscopic surgery.
(Tumors Specialists)
Tumors specialist is specialized physician in diagnosing and treatment of cancer tumors. They may specialize in a specific area, such as: children tumors’ children. Tumors specialists use radiation therapy and chemotherapy to treat cancer or may work with specialized cancer surgeon. Clinical oncology specialist performs radiation thereby.
(Plastic Surgery Specialists)
Plastic surgeon performs plastic surgeries, such as breast enhancement, facial contouring and body contouring.
Radiology is specialization that include using medical radiation equipment to diagnose and treat diseases. Interventional radiology is performing medical procedure through radiation techniques. Physicians that specialize in radiology are called radiologists. Radiologists run a set of radiation techniques (such as: ultrasound radiation, computed tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) to diagnose and treat diseases.
(Pain Management Specialists)
Pain management or pain medicine is a sub-branch of medicine. It specializes in treating and managing people who are suffering from chronic pains. Pain management physicians work in teams that include occupational therapy specialists, psychologists and physicians. Drugs management, therapy using needles, chiropractic treatment and surgery can be used in pain management depending on the symptoms and reasons of pain.